Onboarding Steps

Welcome to CloudZero! We’re thrilled to partner with you on your FinOps journey and to help you get the most out of your cloud cost data. Getting started involves an easy 2-step process:

      Step 1 - Create a CloudZero Platform account at https://app.cloudzero.com

      Step 2 - Connect cloud providers / accounts to get cost data into CloudZero

Once you complete steps 1 & 2, you now have access to CloudZero and cost data available to explore, The next step is to connect any relevant integrations, the most common of which are SSO and Slack:

      Step 3 - Connect SSO to make logging into CloudZero seamless

      Step 4 - Connect Slack to make proactive notifications more impactful

Once you get cost data into CloudZero (step 2) and the initial integrations in place (steps 3 & 4), you’ll want to start on the configuration required to drive your FinOps objectives:

      Step 5 - Confirm Kubernetes visibility if applicable

      Step 6 - Create your first Dimensions to start adding/improving the business context associated with your cloud cost data

      Step 7 - Create your first Views to start collecting infrastructure into meaningful collections (teams, environments, services, etc)

If you've gotten this far, you have cost data flowing into CloudZero, the initial iteration of your business context(s) via Dimensions in place and Views setup to decentralize cost. Great job! CloudZero will start sending a number of automated notifications to help with insights into your cloud costs. Here’s helpful information on what to expect:

      Step 8 - CloudZero automated Insights

      Step 9 - CloudZero automated Anomalies & Notifications

If you have any questions along the way, please reach out to [email protected] for assistance.