On-Demand FinOps Account Manager

This Statement of Work (“SOW”) is entered into as of the effective date of the Order
referenced in this SOW (the “SOW Effective Date”) by and between the customer
identified on the Order (“Customer”) and CloudZero, Inc. (“CloudZero”) and
describes the Technical Services to be performed for Customer.

This SOW supplements the CloudZero Terms of Service (or other written agreement
covering the same subject matter executed by CloudZero), including the Technical
Services Addendum referenced therein (collectively, the “Agreement”). Capitalized
terms not specifically defined in this SOW shall have the meaning as described in
the Agreement.

Each SOW is intended by the parties as the final, complete, and exclusive terms of
their agreement and supersedes all prior agreements and understandings (whether
oral or written) between the parties with respect to the subject matter of that SOW. In
the event of any inconsistency or conflict between the terms and conditions of this
SOW and the Agreement, the terms and conditions of this SOW shall govern with
respect to the subject matter of this SOW only.

Description of On-Demand FAM Technical Services
During the Term of this SOW (“SOW Term”), CloudZero shall provide the following
Technical Services:

Engagement Structure
The FinOps Account Manager (“FAM”) or a FinOps Project Manager (“FPM”) will
work with Customer to jointly establish the overall engagement plan with near and
longer-term priorities. The FAM will provide weekly project status reports and attend
quarterly project meetings to review progress and to jointly adjust and define

On-Demand FAM Example Scope
On-Demand FAM hours may be utilized for the following:

  • Provide consultation on FinOps concepts related to Cloud Security Posture
    Management, Vulnerability Management, anomalous threat detection,
    workload protection, Infrastructure as Code, and Cloud Infrastructure
    Entitlement Management practices and workflows.
  • Perform interactive workshops with Customer on an as-needed basis to assist
    with accelerated configuration and deployment of the Service.
  • Create and deliver Customer-tailored dashboards and reports (as mutually
    agreed between Customer and CloudZero) based on data ingested into the
  • Provide consultation around perceived security gaps and deliver
    recommendations to Customer on how such gaps might be mitigated.
  • Create and provide custom documentation, such as guides and walkthroughs
    around FinOps workflows and processes as mutually agreed between
    Customer and CloudZero.
  • Assist with the conversion of policies from other sources to the Service
    utilizing CloudZero Query Language.
  • Assistance with mapping to unique or custom compliance frameworks
  • Provide assistance with compliance audit preparation
  • Provide consultation and assistance with creating or operationalizing
    automated workflows within the Service
  • Perform in-depth technical end-user training relating to CloudZero concepts,
    such as:
    • Retrieving data from APIs.
    • Customizing the Service.
    • Recommended investigation best practice methods and tactics using
      the Service.
    • Creating custom policies for Infrastructure-as-Code (“IaC”) and non-IaC
  • Apply project management concepts to help ensure on-time project progress
    and completion of tasks.
  • Technical Services will be delivered remotely, unless otherwise agreed to in
    advance in writing by the parties.
  • Provide project management and program management assistance across
    multiple business units at the customer

None. This is a time-based technical services engagement.

Pricing and Payment Terms.
The Technical Services described in this SOW will be provided on a fixed price basis
pursuant to the fees and payment terms set forth on the Order or other order
documentation referencing this SOW. Customer will not be due any credit or refund
for any Technical Services not consumed during the SOW Term.

Change Orders: Any modifications or changes from the scope of work or terms that
are not specifically included and described in an SOW will be considered outside the
scope and must be procured separately through a formal, written, signed
amendment or change order to the SOW, which may result in additional cost or
modified terms.

Reseller Orders: If Customer is procuring these Technical Services through a
Reseller, then Customer will pay all applicable fees directly to Reseller and different
terms regarding invoicing, payment and taxes may apply as specified in the Order
between Customer and Reseller. Reseller is not authorized to make any changes to
this SOW on behalf of CloudZero, including, but not limited to additional warranties,
representations, promises or commitments.

No expenses will be charged to Customer under this SOW, unless otherwise agreed
pursuant to the terms set forth on the Order.

Scheduling and Term.
All Technical Services must be scheduled in advance in one-week or two-week
increments and must be completed within three (3) months of the Effective Date of
this SOW.

Assumptions and Dependencies.
The parties agree on the following:

  • Customer may not record, film, stream or otherwise capture in video or audio
    format any performance or aspect of the Technical Services.
  • Customer will assign a project manager for the duration of the SOW Term who
    will coordinate meeting schedules and availability of Customer personnel
    reasonably needed for the delivery of the Technical Services.
  • Customer is solely responsible for testing, deploying, maintaining, and
    supporting Technical Services provided or recommended by CloudZero.
    Customer will be responsible for determining if, how, and when it will
    implement any recommendations made by CloudZero.
  • CloudZero does not provide legal or compliance advice, and Customer is
    responsible for making its own assessment of whether its use of the Technical
    Services meets applicable legal and regulatory requirements.
  • CloudZero is not precluded from developing, using, or selling products or
    services that are similar or related to the Technical Services and Deliverables.
  • The Technical Services will be provided on business days (holidays excluded)
    during regular business hours (8am to 5pm local time).
Download On-Demand FinOps Account Manager