Connecting GCP

Connecting GCP Accounts To CloudZero

To get started with GCP, you only need to connect your Billing Account to CloudZero. This will pull in the cost for all projects under the billing account. The CloudZero platform will ingest GCP cost data by using the GCP Cloud Billing Data Export to BigQuery feature. You can find detailed connection instructions in our CloudZero documentation

⚠️ CloudZero requires a “Detailed usage cost data” export.

⚠️ If you’re using the Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) and want cost breakdowns per cluster, you must enable cost allocation per GKE cluster (Google Documentation).

Common Questions

How much data will CloudZero ingest?

  • ANSWER - CloudZero will ingest however much billing data you load into BigQuery

How can I see cost details for my GKE clusters?