CostFormation Rule Types

There are 5 types of CostFormation rules:


What's Most Important

80% of all CostFormation logic is built using a combination of Group and GroupBy rules

General Rules

  1. Group - You define the conditional logic for the element
  2. GroupBy - You want to leverage existing metadata within the infrastructure (tags values usually)
  3. Metadata - Convenience rule if you have a lot of “fuzzy” / “contains” logic you need to implement. You can always implement this logic with Group rules as well, it will just be more verbose

Allocation Rules

  • Background - Allocation rules let customers define logic that takes a set of shared spend / resources and split it out across a business context (products, teams, etc..). For a more detailed description of allocation, please refer to CloudZero’s documentation
  1. AllocateByRules - Allocation rule where you define the sharing logic within CostFormation
  2. AllocateByStreams - Allocation rule where you send in external usage telemetry to CloudZero’s cost allocation API to drive the sharing logic. Examples of external usage telemetry might be # of API calls, RDS DB Size, query duration in milliseconds, etc.

CloudZero’s full documentation on CostFormation can be found here.

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